Frontiers in AI

Frontiers in AI consists of four sessions where selected invited speakers will be presenting appealing talks to make the AI community aware of particularly interesting new research results, directions, and trends. The invited speakers in ECAI2020 are, in order of appearance:

  • Blai Bonet, who will address recent work in planning and learning and how multiple problem instances can be solved using off-the-shelf planners
  • Rada Mihalcea, who will talk about how recent research in the emerging field of computational sociolinguistics shows we can effectively leverage the close interplay between language and people
  • Magdalena Ortiz, who will address some selected areas where Knowledge Representation has proved very successful, if not necessarily at replicating the whole spectrum of human intelligence, certainly at achieving more intelligent information systems.
  • Randy Goebel and Firas Lethaus, who will talk about salient aspects of challenges in the application of Artificial Intelligence to automotives and automated autonomous systems.

August 31

September 01

September 02

September 03