Accepted Papers – STAIRS

The proceedings of the 9th European Starting AI Researchers’ Symposium (STAIRS) are published Open Access in CEUR Workshop Proceedings vol. 2655.Sebastian Rudolph, Goreti Marreiros (eds.), Proceedings of the 9th European Starting AI Researchers’ Symposium 2020, co-located with 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020). Santiago Compostela, Spain, 29-30 August, 2020.

Defining Argumentation Semantics under a Claim-centric ViewAnna Rapberger
Stability in Minimization-Based Altruistic Hedonic GamesAlessandra Wiechers and Jörg Rothe.
Robust Decision Tree Induction from Unreliable Data SourcesChristian Schreckenberger, Christian Bartelt and Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Cost-Based Budget Active Learning for Deep LearningPatrick Gikunda and Nicolas Jouandeau
Towards Multi-Robot Task-Motion Planning for Navigation in Belief SpaceAntony Thomas, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni and Marco Baglietto
A Machine Learning Approach to Boredom Detection using Smartphone’s SensorsBruno Fernandes, Carlos Campos, Jose Neves and Cesar Analide
Towards Human-Based Models of Behaviour in Social Robots: Exploring Age-Related Differences in the Processing of Gaze Cues in Human-Robot InteractionLucas Morillo-Méndez and Oscar Martinez Mozos
Robust Multi-Output Learning with Highly Incomplete Data via Restricted Boltzmann MachinesGiancarlo Fissore, Yufei Han, Aurélien Decelle and Cyril Furtlehner
Adaptive Multi-model Approaches to Pattern Set MiningTatiana Makhalova, Sergei O. Kuznetsov and Amedeo Napoli
Towards Traceability of Decision-making in Intelligent Context-based Adaptive System EnvironmentsMandy Goram and Dirk Veiel
The art painting style Classifier based on Logic Aggregators and qualitative colour Descriptors (C-LAD)Vicent Costa.
Multi-Output Associative Memory for Content Addressable Information RetrievalSidharth Anupkrishnan and Arjun Sharma
Goal-constrained planning domain model verification of safety propertiesAnas Shrinah and Kerstin Eder
Multimodal Interaction in Autonomous Driving. Towards Human Visual Perception Driven Standardisation and BenchmarkingVasiliki Kondyli, Mehul Bhatt and Jakob Suchan
Towards an Explainable Argumentation-based AgentMariela Morveli Espinoza and Cesar Augusto Tacla
Towards deep learning reliable gender estimation from dental panoramic radiographsNicolás Vila Blanco, Raquel Rodríguez Vilas, María José Carreira Nouche and Inmaculada Tomás Carmona
Visual-Semantic Embedding Model Informed by Structured KnowledgeMirantha Jayathilaka, Tingting Mu and Uli Sattler.
Applying LSTM Networks to Predict Multi-drug Resistance Using Binary Multivariate Clinical SequencesSergio Martínez-Agüero, Inmaculada Mora-Jiménez, Joaquín Álvarez-Rodríguez, Antonio García-Marqués and Cristina Soguero-Ruiz
Structural Onomatologic for Username Generation: A Partial AccountFrancisco Supino Marcondes, Jose Joao Almeida and Paulo Novais
Modelling an Intelligent Tutoring SystemDalila Durães, Manuel Rodrigues, Rámon Toala and Paulo Novais