August 30

The three main social, legal and economic models of AI: is there room for marriage?
August 30, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm (CEST)
- Margaret Chen, Founder of Optimus Horizon
- Cornelia Kutterer, Senior Director, European Government Affairs, Rule of Law & Responsible Tech at Microsoft
- Nuria Oliver, Data Scientist at Data-Pop Alliance, Chief Scientific Advisor at the Vodafone Institute and co-founder of ELLIS (The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems).
Moderator: Prof. Laurent Manderieux, Professor of Intellectual Property Law at L. Bocconi University of Milan, Italy. Member of the Academic Council of Fide.
Panel Director: Prof. Manuel Desantes, Professor of Private International Law at the University of Alicante since 1992 and Member Of Counsel of the firm Elzaburu. Member of the Academic Council of Fide.