Mathematical Morphology and Artificial Intelligence
September 05, 9:00 am - 12:15 pm (CEST)
Speakers: Isabelle Bloch, Samy Blusseau, Ramon Pino Pérez
Tutorial website: https://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/bloch/ECAI/TutorialECAI2020.html
Agenda: Mathematical Morphology and Artificial Intelligence
This tutorial aims at providing an overview of mathematical morphology with examples of its use in several fields of AI. This theory, in its deterministic setting, applies on any complete lattice, and the operators it provides can then be instantiated in numerous mathematical frameworks such as sets, scalar or vectorial functions, fuzzy sets, logics, graphs, hypergraphs… Examples will cover three domains of AI. In the first one, mathematical morphology operators will be expressed in some logics (propositional, modal, description logics) to answer typical questions in knowledge representation and reasoning, such as revision or fusion. In the second one, spatial reasoning will benefit from spatial relations modeled using fuzzy sets and morphological operators, with applications in image understanding. In the third one, interactions between mathematical morphology and deep learning will be detailed.
Isabelle Bloch is graduated from the Ecole des Mines de Paris, Paris, France, in 1986, she received the Master’s degree from the University Paris 12, Paris, in 1987, the Ph.D. degree from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (Telecom Paris), Paris, in 1990, and the Habilitation degree from the University Paris 5, Paris, in 1995. She is currently a Professor with the Image Processing and Understanding Group, LTCI, Telecom Paris. Her research interests include 3D image and object understanding, computer vision, artificial intelligence, 3D and fuzzy mathematical morphology, information fusion, fuzzy set theory, structural, graph-based, and knowledge-based object recognition, spatial knowledge representation and reasoning, and medical imaging.
Samy Blusseau received the PhD degree in 2015 in applied mathematics at CMLA, ENS Cachan. He is now following a Tenure Track program at the Centre for Mathematical Morphology (CMM) of Mines ParisTech. His current research deals with morphological signal processing on graphs, morphological neural networks, interactions between deep learning and mathematical morphology for image processing.
Ramon Pino Pérez is a retired Professor at the Mathematical Department of Los Andes University, Mérida, Venezuela. His current interest areas are Mathematical Logic in Artificial Intelligence, specially Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Dynamics. Social Choice Theory and Decision Theory.