September 01, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm (CEST)


  • Roberto Amadini, Graeme Gange, Peter J. Stuckey, Harald Sondergaard and Peter Schachte. String constraint solving: past, present and future
  • Allegra De Filippo, Michele Lombardi and Michela Milano. Hybrid Offline/Online Optimization Under Uncertainty
  • Gaurav Jain, Shivang Chopra, Suransh Chopra and Anil Singh Parihar. TransSketchNet: Attention-based Sketch Recognition using Transformers
  • Daniel Birks, Alison Heppenstall and Nick Malleson. On the Development of Digital Twins of Social Systems
  • Alfonso Landin, Daniel Valcarce, Javier Parapar and Alvaro Barreiro. Shallow Neural Models for Top-N Recommendation
  • Patricia Bouyer, Orna Kupferman, Nicolas Markey, Bastien Maubert, Aniello Murano and Giuseppe Perelli. Reasoning about Quality and Fuzziness of Strategic Behaviours
  • Tiago Pinto and Zita Vale. Contextual Q-Learning
  • Tiago Pinto and Zita Vale. Adaptive learning in multiagent systems for automated energy contacts negotiation
  • Panayiotis Danassis and Boi Faltings. Efficient Allocations in Constant Time: Towards Scalable Solutions in the Era of Large Scale Intelligent Systems